Bitter in Soul

SATURDAY, August 22

Job 3:20-21 Why is light given to one in misery, and life to the bitter in soul, who long for death, but it does not come, and dig for it more than for hidden treasures.

Something like scales fall from our eyes when we study neuroscience. So much of what can be perceived as choice is impulse. Most people react instead of responding.

More scales fall from our eyes when we study history. Sometimes hardships lead to liberation. Who are we to judge the big picture when our view is so limited? We can each claim only one lifetime of understanding.

When consumed by hardship, I found my way out by the grace of God and with the aid of a gratitude practice. Every day for months, I wrote ten reasons I was grateful. The discipline was more difficult on some days than others—but grew easier with practice. Over time, I came to see gratitude as a lifeline.

God, please whisper something sweet to the bitter in soul. Grant us peace that passes understanding.

MOVING FORWARD: Share a sweet word of encouragement with a family member or work associate who may be struggling.

Ps 137:1-6(7-9), 144 * 104 | Job 3:1-26 | Acts 9:10-19a | John 6:41-51

Read the original post at Forward Day by Day.