Slippery Slopes

TUESDAY, August 11
Clare of Assisi

Psalm 94:18 As often as I said, “My foot has slipped,” your love, O Lord, upheld me.

Slippery slopes are dangerous and they can’t always be avoided. Literal or figurative, into each life a little rain must fall.

Relationships develop dynamics, mindful or not. Practice develops skills and habits. Conversations without dissent develop confidence. These are slippery slopes. Though it is possible to navigate them safely, a misstep can land you on your back.

A little preparation can go a long way. We can take the time to understand our limitations. We can rest well. We can nurture ourselves. We can avoid known problem areas. We can even opt to stay home. When we are out in the world, we can lean on experience like a walking stick. We can coat our skin with 55+ SPF prayers. We can shield ourselves from the pelting rain with a poncho of God’s love. Borrowed shoes can lend new perspectives.

For all our efforts, we can still slip. As often as we say we’ve slipped, your love, O Lord, upholds us.

MOVING FORWARD: Clare of Assisi was a discalced nun. Find out more about her and what it means to be discalced.

Ps 97, 99, [100] * 94, [95] | Judges 13:1-15 | Acts 5:27-42 | John 3:22-36

Read the original post at Forward Day by Day.