MONDAY, August 3
Joanna, Mary, and Salome
Judges 6:39 Then Gideon said to God, “Do not let your anger burn against me, let me speak one more time; let me, please, make trial with the fleece just once more; let it be dry only on the fleece, and on the ground let there be dew.”
The first time I asked God for a sign I was a child. I received an answer and found comfort.
I don’t remember asking for more signs until years later, and then I asked for enough signs to make up for lost time. I asked for so many signs I perfected the art of asking. I was specific. I set deadlines. I asked for signs to confirm I had read signs correctly.
Though some of my best God stories are sign stories, I don’t believe signs are the only way God communicates. I haven’t asked for a sign in years. Holy direction comes through scripture, nature, humans—even billboards!—when I am quiet and still from the inside out, from the Christ-light within me.
I believe God speaks to us differently, hoping we will tell one another. Gideon’s story helps me feel less alone.
MOVING FORWARD:What signs have you received from God? How have you responded?
Ps 80 * 77, [79] | Judges 6:25-40 | Acts 2:37-47 | John 1:1-18
Read the original post at Forward Day by Day.