SATURDAY, August 8
Psalm 136:25-26 Who gives food to all creatures, for his mercy endures for ever. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his mercy endures for ever.
Repetition can have a powerful effect. As hearts beat and lungs breathe, so can words repeated animate our lives.
Sanskrit mantras are used in meditation. Sacred words are often used in centering prayer. Self-help books prescribe daily affirmations.
Reading Psalm 136 aloud, each verse ending with “for his mercy endures for ever,” is a practice of repetition. Repetition builds belief. Beliefs fill the mind, escaping in words. A sound, sent out into the world, is a creation.
There’s benefit to monitoring the words in our lives. What words do you find repeating in your head? How do those repetitions manifest in your life?
MOVING FORWARD: Pray along with the rhythm of Psalm 136 today.
Ps 87, 90 * 136 | Judges 9:22-25,50-57 | Acts 4:32—5:11 | John 2:13-25
Read the original post at Forward Day by Day.