
THURSDAY, August 13
Jeremy Taylor

John 4:38. I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.

Genetic memory is a vague tendency to encode reactions. Common experiences of a species become incorporated into its genetic code. A seed grows into a plant. We eat the plant, and it tastes good. We share the good news with our friends.

We are raised by people who were raised by people who were raised by people who parented the best ways they knew how. We are raised poor. We are raised rich. We are raised witnessing fear and gratitude and rage and reconciling love.

We reap what others sow.

As we learn, we can change.

MOVING FORWARD: Have you entered into another person’s labor? How can
you thank them for the work they have done, even if you don’t understand it?

Ps 105:1-22 * 105:23-45 | Judges 14:1-19 | Acts 6:15—7:16 | John 4:27-42