THURSDAY, August 20
Bernard of Clairvaux
Job 1:10. Have you not put a fence around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
Job’s story is set in an obscure place and time, filled with foreign characters and written by an anonymous author. There are no disputable facts to distract us from the truth at hand. The story opens with Job’s earthly abundance.
Before we have time to get comfortable, we are transported to a celestial courtroom. The Adversary argues Job has only been “blameless and upright” because he has not suffered. The Adversary makes a good point. Privilege is sneaky.
Some people are born into money. Some are born to parents who want to be with each other. Some folks live in places where healthcare needs are met. Some have beautiful views. Some are free of mental health challenges. Some enjoy education and freedoms.
Some people have nothing to lose.
MOVING FORWARD: Make a date with Job this weekend. Spend some time with his story and see where you can find your own.
Ps 131, 132, [133] * 134, 135 | Job 1:1-22 | Acts 8:26-40 | John 6:16-27